JHS Data Visualizations

JHS TRANs Data Package

Requests for the Trans Package are not being accepted at this time until the new data use agreement is reviewed and approved.

The Jackson Heart Study (JHS) TRANS-Data Package has been constructed (1) to provide educators with tools and resources for training of students and young investigators, and (2) to assist researchers with exploration and discovery of JHS Data for submitting a full manuscript proposal. The TRANS Data Package contains documentation, a de-identified random sample of JHS data, example programs and example projects helpful for researchers to TRANSition ideas into manuscripts and for students to TRANSlate biostatistical and epidemiological principles into application. Together, the documentation, sample data, codes and examples included are intended to be TRANSformative for research and research education.


 Briefly, the TRANS-data package consists of a de-identified build of the Vanguard Center package released to the collaborative research group partners that has been modified by:  creating a set of anonymized IDs, including a ~50% random sample of participants consenting to all study data usage,  windsorizing all continuous variables (1%), truncating low frequency classifications for categorical variables (<5), and setting all dates to the 15th day of the month.