.  JHS Statistical Computing Request
This is the mechanism used by JHS to solicit and track all data requests for reports, publications, presentations and for ancillary studies. Using this mechanism, investigators who plan to conduct data analysis outside the JHS can obtain a customized dataset based on the requested need.

Requests for JHS data for publication require approval of a JHS Manuscript Proposal. Requests to collect additional data (i.e., on JHS participants) require an approved JHS Ancillary Study. Please note: ANY data request related to an Ancillary Study or Manuscript Proposal will not be reviewed until approval from the Ancillary Study Sub-Committee and/or the Presentations and Publications Sub-Committee is confirmed.

To submit a request for data, you must complete an online Statistical Computing Request and proceed with the data request (  All requests will be reviewed by the JHS Data Management Unit and will generally be reviewed within two weeks of the date of submission. Due to the complexity to a number of data requests, please give us as much notice (i.e., preferred deadline) to when the data are needed. An automated response e-mail from the data request system will be sent to the e-mail address you provide when your request has been successfully submitted. After review, you may be contacted via telephone or email to clarify questions about or details of your request.

JHS Specimen Inventory
This inventory provides a summary of the availability of biological materials collected and stored on the JHS Cohort. This summary is currently based on biological materials collected on JHS Visit 1. Also, this summary is dynamic due to requests for ancillary studies.

JHS Data and Materials Sharing Agreement (download document) updated 01/21/2024

This agreement protects the confidentiality and privacy of JHS participants and their families, investigators granted access to the biological materials, genetic analysis data, and clinical data collected by the JHS. These data and materials have been stripped of all personal identifiers. Failure to comply with this Distribution Agreement could result in denial of further access to JHS samples and data. Violation of the confidentiality requirements of this agreement is considered a breach of confidentiality and may leave requesting investigators liable to legal action on the part of JHS participants, their families, or the United States Government.


*Note: The descriptive data, codebooks from the website should not be used in any publications, abstracts, posters, presentations or any other research product.

JHS Variable Finder:

Description: The JHS Variable Finder is a search tool to facilitate finding variables within Vanguard Center data folders. The search returns the directory path, dataset name, variable name and variable label associated with the search terms.

JHS Primary Analysis Data



Incidence rates through 12/31/2016

We report briefly here on JHS Events (defined as definite or probable events on UNC/ARIC adjudication procedures, please see links following categories below for data definition details).Categories:               

  • Heart Failure:   Cohort Surveillance Heart Failure Occurrences Data Dictionary
  • Stroke:   ARIC Surveillance Variable Dictionary Incident Stroke
  • CHD (MI, Fatal CHD & Cardiac Procedures):  Cohort Surveillance Incident CHD and Incident ICD Code – Based Heart failure Derived Variable Dictionary